
Ciaoooo! I’m Josie. I’m thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one years old (I probably should stop doing that slash thing soon, right?). I’m from Connecticut, but I currently live in Rome, Italy where I’m attending college. I started this blog when I was in seventh grade (yikes), and since then, I’ve been sharing photos and stories of anything & everything about my life.

A few of my favorite things to write about are art and design, music I’m loving, food and recipes, crafts and DIYs I’ve completed or am working on, television and movies I’ve been watching, books I’m reading, and, more recently, places I travel. I also like to rant and complain about how I have no time to write.

I have stuck with this outlet because I can essentially do whatever I want with it (as long as it is within the realm of the WordPress plan I have chosen). I love my blog, and I love that it’s always there for me when I need it. I hope you’ll stick around and explore it a bit.

Things I Like: animals, music, flowers, chickpeas, New York City, the movie School of Rock, magazines, traveling, antique stores, people who practice good grammar, creme brûlée, red wine, Broadway musicals, artichokes, hiking, second-hand clothes, window shopping.

Things I Don’t Really Like: celery, being sick (but who does?), raisins, math, waking up early, rude people, soda, pop country music, crowded beaches, excessively loud dogs and children, long winters, sunburns, gym class.

6 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hey Josie!

    I totally adore this ‘about’ page, and can’t wait to check out what else you’ve done so far on your blog. Thanks for the shoutout, girl! ❤ xoxo

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